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Frequently Asked Questions for TOP Fundraisers

Frequently Asked Questions for Top Fundraisers

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of groups do you work with?
All kinds: students, educators, sports teams, religious organizations, community centers, and other non-profit groups from all over Canada. It doesn’t matter what kind of group you’re in, all that matters is that you need to raise money!

What programs can I choose from?
Choose from many great programs: chocolate bars, pizzas, cookie dough, muffin batter, jams, jellies & honey, cheese and snack foods. Each program has a variety of products that you can select.

Can I choose more than one program?
You certainly can. We encourage you to select the products that YOU want to sell. Order forms for your choices are customized to suit your specific fundraising needs.

Do you have school-safe or nut-free products?
Yes, we carry many products that are safe for those with peanut allergies. If you have any with concerns regards to nut allegies, please contact us directly and we will be happy to help you select a fundraiser program that would be best suited your specific needs.

How do I know I’ll get the service my team deserves?
Our guarantee promises you that. We have a team of experienced fundraising consultants and customer service representatives available to help you throughout your fundraising campaign. We also have local field representatives available to help you launch your campaign. And, if ever you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service, we urge you to let us know. After all, we won’t know what to fix if we don’t know what’s broken! 100% commitment to your campaign – guaranteed!

How long does it take to run a Fundraiser?
Generally, we recommend that you allow for 30 days to run your fundraiser. This provides you with at lea
st 2 weeks to sell your products. However, we can also assist you with longer or shorter time frames dependent upon your schedule. Please contact TOP Fundraisers to co-ordinate the times and location of your delivery.

Will my order be Pre-Sorted prior to Delivery?
Yes, One of the best things about choosing TOP Fundraisers is that we make things as easy as possible for you by sorting and pre-packaging orders for each individual seller at no additional cost. This makes a lot less work for you.

How much does it cost for Delivery of my order?
Absolutely nothing! Orders are personally delivered FREE of charge provided you are located within 120km (100 miles) of London, Ontario. Please inquire about the delivery charge for your area. For customers outside of our regular delivery area there may be a small additional delivery or shipping charge. Orders over $5000 will always receive free delivery regardless of location.

What happens if we find errors after receiving the order?
Our staff checks and double-checks your order prior to sending it out, however, we are all human and sometimes errors can happen. We will promptly begin to rectify your order as soon as we receive your complaint. We strive to provide you with the utmost in customer service and apologize for any inconvenience you may encounter while your order is being corrected.

Do I need any money up front?
No, payment is due upon delivery of the products.
Please make cheques payable to:
P.O. Box 20117
St. Thomas, ON N5P 4H4

How do I get started?
Easy! Just contact TOP Fundraisers by one of the methods listed on our Contact page. We will ensure that you have the information you need to choose the right product, make your plan, order products and sell, sell, sell!

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TOP Products  
Cookie Dough & Muffin Batter
Pizzas & Snack Foods
Aunt Sarah's Chocolate Bars
Jams, Jellies & Honey
Saputo Cheese
Make Your Own Pizzas!
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