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What Our Customers Say

Saputo Cheese


We would like to share some of our customer feedback with you.

"... How convenient and easy! Our order arrived pre-sorted, was delivered right to our door, and everyone just loved the products. Thank you! ..."

"... Great support from the office staff! ..."

"... We recently ran a fundraiser selling your frozen pizzas, cookie dough and muffin mix. I must say that they were all delicious and so easy to make. We have already had inquiries asking if we will be selling them again next year. Thank you for having such delicious and easy products to sell. ..."

"... Thank you for being pro Nut-Free, It is comforting to know that our children our safe when we run our school fundraisers! ..."

"... We just ran a very successful fundraiser. It only took 3 weeks from start to finish. We are very impressed with how quickly and easily your products sold. ..."

"... Very accurate, great service and looking forward to contacting TOP Fundraisers again for next year's fundraiser! ..."

"... Our fundraiser ran very smoothly thanks to your easy program. I love the fact that you have chocolate bars that still sells for $2.00! ..."

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TOP Products  
Cookie Dough & Muffin Batter
Pizzas & Snack Foods
Aunt Sarah's Chocolate Bars
Jams, Jellies & Honey
Saputo Cheese
Make Your Own Pizzas!
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